TAC Meeting
The annual Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting is mandatory for all BIGS Neuroscience Ph.D. students
The TAC Meeting is a goal-oriented tool to help students reflect on their progress and better plan their future milestones, but also to prepare Ph.D. students for the defence in the best possible way. It also allows the TAC to evaluate the students’ work and the direction they have taken with their research. It is in the interest of both students and PIs that the thesis research moves forward in a timely and well planned manner. Therefore, BIGS Neuroscience would like Ph.D. students to meet annually with their TAC to ensure that the dissertation project is still on schedule and focused on dissertation-worthy work.
How to carry out a TAC Meeting?
A TAC Meeting form has been developed to structure the discussion of the student’s research progress. In addition, this form provides a record of the student’s achievements to date and recommendations for future research. You can download the form as a Word-file or in our download area. In our TAC Meeting guidelines you can find additional advice on how to prepare a TAC Meeting. Following the TAC Meeting, the completed and signed document has to be scanned and uploaded to the BIGS Neuroscience internal platform in the “Achievements” section.