Summer School
The BIGS Neuroscience Summer School provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to key neuroscience topics for first-year PhD students from a variety of neuroscience related fields, including biology, psychology, medicine, physics and computer science. Our aim is to expose BIGS Neuroscience PhD students to current research topics and methods at an early stage in their careers. The summer school is structured around a series of lectures covering topics such as stem cell biology and developmental neuroscience, neuronal cell biology and genetics, neuronal function, diseases of the nervous system, population studies and computational neuroscience. To gain hands-on experience on these topics, the lectures are complemented by visits to the research laboratories.
The 8th BIGS Neuroscience Summer School will take place from June 10th– 19th, 2024.
Life & Brain, UKB Campus & MPI for Neurobiology of Behavior Bonn
Summer School Person in Charge
Prof. Dr. Martin Fuhrmann, German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases
BIGS Neuroscience
Dr. Marion Rozowski
Venusberg-Campus 1, 53127 Bonn
Tel: +49 (0)151 582 80091Â
All morning lectures are open to BIGS Clinical and Population Science, NeurotechEU and DZNE members. Afternoon laboratoriy visits are restricted to BIGS Neuroscience and NeurotechEU students.
Programme 2022, Programme 2021, Programme 2020
This is the Class of 2021!
Great lectures, discussions and networking opportunities, accompanied by lab visits that showcased the breadth of neuroscience – that was the 5th BIGS Neuroscience Summer School 2021. We were very pleased to be able to host an on-site/virtual hybrid event this year.
Many thanks to all speakers and labs for their support! To the DZNE Bonn for hosting this event! And to the awesome PhD students who participated!