Research News
25/06/2020 12:00 am
The Spin Your Thesis! (SYT) programme of ESA Academy offers bachelor, master and PhD students the opportunity to design, build and test their own hypergravity experiment – apply for 2021
28/04/2020 12:00 am
Support the international study ´Buying behavior and personality in times of the COVID-19-pandemic´ conducted by the Center for Economics and Neuroscience at the University of Bonn and the University of Duisburg-Essen
20/08/2019 9:00 am
Since many years the AG Schwarz is interested in the role of Homer proteins in synaptic function. In the most recent paper on this topic, which was compiled in collaboration with the group of Dr. Tsvetan Serchov from the University Medical Center Freiburg, the molecular pathway of Homer1a’s antidepressant action was deciphered. It soon will appear in Neuron and is already available online.