Family Support & Helpline

Maternity and parental leave
During pregnancy and after the delivery women are eligible for professional care by a doctor. The costs are covered by health insurance. Information on maternity leave (Mutterschutz), maternity pay (Mutterschaftsgeld), and parental leave (Elternzeit) are available on the University of Bonn website.

Child benefit (Kindergeld)
Child benefit will be paid from the date of birth until the child turns 18. Under special conditions grants will be paid until the age of 25. All parents living in Germany receive child benefit. Foreign parents receive child benefit if they hold a settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) or a residence permit which allows working in Germany for a longer time (Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zwecke der Erwerbstätigkeit). More information on child benefit and parental allowance (Elterngeld und ElterngeldPlus)

Parents should organize childcare at the earliest opportunity. The city of Bonn offers a large variety of kindergartens, taking children from the age of 4 months until enrollment into primary school. List of kindergartens, schools, and further general information.

Studying with a child (brochure PDF)

Emergency numbers
The emergency number 112 connects you directly to a control centre throughout Europe at any time, in North Rhine-Westphalia with an integrated control centre for fire brigades and rescue services. Using 112 avoids delays in an emergency.

Police emergency number 110

Pediatric and juvenile emergency practice, affiliated to the St.-Marien-Hospital Bonn (GFO Kliniken Bonn):

Robert-Koch-Str. 1
53115 Bonn
Phone: 0228-24 25 444

Further information on the St. Marien Hospital website.

Financial support (more information on AstA website)

The AStA subsidises student parents of the University of Bonn who have childcare costs through KiTa, Tagesmutter or OGS with 100€ per semester. You have to fill out an application form (PDF file) which you also find on the AstA website.

Social assistance: If the means for your living and that of the child are not sufficient, you can apply for social assistance for your child. Students‘ children are different from the students themselves, namely they are entitled to social assistance. Single mothers or fathers with a child under 7 or with two or three children under 16 receive an additional allowance. You should also apply for child benefit, education allowance (Versorgungsamt Köln) and housing allowance (Amt für Wohngeld Bonn).

Child supplement: As low-income parents, you have the option of applying for a child supplement (up to €160 per month).

Housing benefit: Students with children and low income have the possibility to apply for housing benefit. With the housing benefit you can also apply for „education and participation“, which can be used for lunch (in KiTa or OGS) as well as sports or music courses.