Prof. Dr. Bernd Weber

Center for Economics and Neuroscience AND Neurocognition & Imaging
Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research (IEECR)
University of Bonn Medical Center | Life & Brain Center
Venusberg-Campus 1
53175 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 228 6885 262

Research Focus

Different scientific disciplines, as cognitive neuroscience, psychology and economics investigate individual decision making from their perspective and with their methodology. Within the field of “Neuroeconomics” these different approaches try to find a common vocabulary and theories to better understand human behavior. A more detailed understanding of the biological basis (and determinants) of human behaviour will lead to new and hopefully better models of human decisions and ultimately better prognoses in new situations. We apply methods from cognitive neuroscience to investigate human decision making with a special focus on value-based decision making. In that we combine functional and structural neuroimaging methods with behavorial experiments and genetics. In a second line of research my group investigates methods to improve the detection and quantification of pathological brain and behavior changes in neurological changes in neurological and psychiatric diseases.
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