
During the time of your doctorate you may encounter various obstacles that need to be overcome. These may be conflicts with your PI, with other members of the research group or problems in your private life. Having a confidant with whom you can discuss these kinds of problems can help to find constructive solutions. The following BIGS supervisors have agreed to act as mentors for BIGS neuroscience students to confront you with questions that you do not wish to discuss with your direct supervisor.

It is advisable to choose a mentor outside the immediate study area. We recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity as appropriate.

Ulrich Ettinger
Department of Psychology, University Bonn

Christian Henneberger
Institute of Cellular Neurosciences, University Bonn

Gabor Petzold
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)

Bettina Schnell
Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar

Susanne Schoch-McGovern
Institute of Neuropathology, University Bonn

If you are additionally confronted with psychological problems that lead to severe stress and impairments in your life, do not hesitate to get help. Psychologists at the University of Bonn offer counselling in German and English.

Advice and support for students on equality issues
The Equal Opportunities Officer should be contacted with the following questions and problems: Problems in the workplace, e.g. with colleagues or superiors, job application situations, bullying or sexual harassment. The Equal Opportunities Officer is bound by professional secrecy in the field of counselling.

The article “5 challenges faced by PhD students” by Daniel Higginbotham (Editor at PROSPECTS) deals with five potential problems PhD students may encounter and gives tips on how to overcome them in order to be well prepared for a life as a PhD student.

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